Uemine dormitory (Economy) - Located in Saitama city, Suburbs of Tokyo.

Uemine dormitory (Economy)

  • お風呂
  • キッチン
  • ダイニングキッチン全景
  • 居室1
  • 居室2
  • 居室2の押入れ
  • 全景

Features of Uemine dormitory

A sharing apartment with a capacity of 5 residents. Shower room, lavatory, kitchen, laundry, etc. are shared with roommates. Garbege disposal and lavatory and shower room cleaning service are available to maintain a common space clean. (This servce may not be available depending on the number of residents.) The dormitory is a little far from school, but the rent is less expensive and a discount supermarket is in its neighborhood. It is suitable for those who want to economize living expenses.


Room size  7.3m²,9.7m²
Sound insulation High
Kitchen Shared
Living room Shared
Lavatory Shared
Bath・Shower Shared
Washing machine Shared
Dryer ×
Vacuum cleaner Shared
Air conditioner
TV ×
Internet access ×
Cleaning Weekly service
Trash disposal Service

Initial cost

Deposit 20,000yen
Entrance fee 40,000yen
rent 20,000yen×3 months
Total 120,000yen

Monthly cost

Utility fee 5,000yen or so
Whole monthly cost 25,000yen or so


Nearest station Yono
15 min. walk
Time to school Approx. 25min.
Transportation By bicycle
Transportation cost 0yen

Contact us!

We have multilingual staffs.
You can correspond with us in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai etc.
Please apply here! Contact us here!